In poker you should carefully select your starting hands. You don’t need to play every hand and if you do that then you will loose money in a long run . And never bet your all your money on one card .
If you are new in the world of online poker then we recomand you that for the beginning play only free rolls and do not deposit to much until you will get used with the software and the way of playing online .
Read as many article and strategy books as you can .
Try to reduce the number of mistakes that you do in your daily game .
Don't make the mistake of thinking that poker is not a skill-bassed game .
Know your limits and play by bankroll management strategy .
If you want to be a big poker player you must be abble to " read " the other players and get in to their minds and know their thoughts, their way of playing.
This are only some small , basic advices . If you want to learn poker and get a free bankroll meantime the you can join PokerStrategy .